Commissioner Murman quoted in this Tampa Tribune article on MaryEllen Elia:



Port Tampa backs Elia in school board vote on firing her

By Yvette C. Hammett | Tribune Staff
Published: January 20, 2015


TAMPA — Citing the backing she has given to maritime programs bolstering the work force at Port Tampa Bay, the port’s governing commission voted today to send a letter to the Hillsborough County School Board backing Mary Ellen Elia.

Elia faces a school board vote today on whether to retain her as schools superintendent.

Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn, who announced his support for Elia last week after learning her termination had been placed on the school board agenda, sits on the port’s board of commissioners and reiterated his support today.

“High school politics,” Buckhorn said, prompted by a personal grudge, is bringing the matter to a school board vote.

“I’m generally very reluctant to meddle in other people’s business and I certainly recognize the sentiments of not involving the port,” Buckhorn said during the port commission’s meeting. But he noted that Elia is recognized as the best school superintendent in the state, if not the nation, so the authority should back her.

Among Elia’s critics on the school board is April Griffin, whose opponent Elia backed in the November general election. Griffin and board chairwoman Susan Valdes gave Elia the lowest grades during the superintendent’s last evaluation, faulting her in part for poor communication with the board.

Several port commission members voted against the move to send a letter of support, saying that while they personally back Elia, they don’t believe it’s a matter in which the board should get involved.

“Let’s not allow this to occur because of some petty personal grievance,” Buckhorn countered.

Hillsborough County Commission Chairwoman Sandra Murman, who also sits on the port commission, requested the letter of support and said Elia is a key partner in the county’s economic development initiative. That’s important, Murman said, when businesses are considering relocating to the Tampa area.

“We are not asking the board to do anything but show support,” Murman said, for a schools superintendent who has shown “extreme courage and had a superb performance.”

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