Commissioner Murman quoted in this Tampa Bay Business Journal article on organizational session:


Murman takes Hillsborough commission chair

Nov 19, 2014, 6:19am EST

Salem Solomon, Contributing writer- Tampa Bay Business Journal

The Hillsborough County Commission held a swearing-in ceremony for three returning members and one newly-elected commissioner on Tuesday.

The re-elected commissioners are: Victor Crist representing District 2, Ken Hagan of Countywide District 5, and Al Higginbotham, who held the District 4 seat but now represents Countywide District 7. The new commissioner is Dr. Stacy White who was elected to represent District 4, the county said in a statement.

Following the investiture ceremony, commissioners held an annual organizational meeting and unanimously selected Sandra Murman to serve as chairwoman and Higginbotham to serve as vice chairman.

“We’ve got an important year ahead of us. It’s going to be a great year and I’m looking forward to it,” Murman said after receiving the chairwoman’s ceremonial gavel.

Commissioners also chose positions on boards, committees, and councils on which they will hold seats. These appointments include:

  • Affordable Housing Advisory Board – Higginbotham
  • Arts Council of Hillsborough County – Crist
  • Aviation Authority – Crist
  • Children’s Board of Hillsborough County – Kevin Beckner
  • Council of Governments – Crist, Murman
  • Environmental Protection Commission – Miller, chair; Crist, vice chair
  • Expressway Authority – Miller
  • Fair Authority – Miller
  • Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority – White, Murman, Beckner, Miller
  • Hospital Authority – Miller, Murman
  • Juvenile Justice Board – Beckner
  • Port Authority – Murman
  • Public Transportation Commission – members/alternates: Higginbotham/Beckner,
  • Hagan/White, Crist/Murman
  • Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council – Crist, member; White, alternate
  • Tampa Bay Water Board of Directors – Hagan, Murman
  • Tampa Sports Authority – Hagan