Commissioner Murman and Della Cury mentioned in this Tampa Tribune article on St. Stephen Catholic School:



Students empowered by visit to county offices

 BY Barbara Routen
Special Correspondent 
Published: May 21, 2014

 RIVERVIEW – On May 7, students from St. Stephen Catholic School met and conversed with the people who make decisions about what happens in Hillsborough County.

Shannon Hall, middle school social studies teacher and moderator of the student council, arranged the visit for members of the student council and National Junior Honor Society.

“This was possible through a colleague of mine – Caroline Johnson Levine – who is the assistant attorney general, civil litigation bureau,” said Hall. “She had met Sandra Murman at a women in leadership luncheon and coordinated this field trip through Sandra Murman’s aide, Della Cury.”

The students attended and were publicly recognized at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, toured their facility and met several county commissioners, including Sandra L. Murman and Al Higginbotham.

Cury led a tour of the Fred Karl County Center building, during which the group met Terry McElroy, Hillsborough County digital media services division director, Ed Albritton, of the public works department, Erick Sumner, geomatics section manager, Jeffrey Ziegler, director of community services for the Supervisor of Elections, and Deputy Marcus Bates who handles security for the County Center.

“With each of these people on the tour, we were able to ask questions and spend time learning how each of their departments impact our lives in the county on a daily basis,” said Hall.

“Whenever I can find an opportunity to empower my students, I do,” Hall said. “I was able to show these students in a tangible way why it is important to study government. They now have a better understanding of what these civic leaders do to impact our lives and how we can have a voice in making changes to the society in which we live.”

Email news of community interest to Barbara Routen at