Commissioner Murman quoted in this Tampa Bay Business Journal article on CSX train horns:


Apr 15, 2014, 2:41pm EDT

Buckhorn urges CSX to do something about train horns downtown



Eric Snider Staff Writer- Tampa Bay Business Journal

Bob O’Malley of CSX Corp. had just finished giving a feel-good presentation to the Port Tampa Bay Board of Commissioners this morning when Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn gave him the hold up, not-so-fast.

“You didn’t think you were getting out of here that easily, did you?” the mayor said — kidding, but not really. O’Malley, CSX vice president of state government affairs for Florida, looked momentarily perplexed.

Seems that incessant train horns are causing problems downtown.

“I hear them all night long,” Buckhorn said. “We have five high-rises in downtown Tampa. The horns bounce around the buildings downtown and our constituents get on the phone and call us. Is there anything we can do to mitigate that sound?”

Commissioner Sandy Murman echoed: “For six months it’s been 5:30 a.m. every single day. I understand you have to follow guidelines, but please help us keep our constituents happy. And sleeping.”

O’Malley explained  that train horns are subject to federal requirements, but added, “As soon as I leave this meeting, I’ll check and make sure the conductors are blowing as prescribed, the right number of times, the proper durations and decibel levels.”

He said CSX is working with the Federal Rail Administration in trying to designate Lakeland a “quiet zone.”

Buckhorn urged him to start the process for Tampa.

Eric Snider is a staff writer for the Tampa Bay Business Journal.